hello and assalamualaikum, peeps. fuhh. first sekali, sorry eh klu sentimental sikit for this post. bukan ape, one of my pet sister, Fathnin will move out from my school, SMKSM. she's going to Seri Puteri kat CyberJaya tuh. yela, dia dpt 8A kut in PMR. pastu dpt school yg berprestigious mcm Seri Puteri. so from there we can conclude that she is a very smart girl. :') actually, walaupun kte org dlm satu school n die merupakn junior aku,, tak penah pun tegur at skola. al maklum la, die ni jenis pemalu. hehe.. Pengawas yg pemalu for correction.. huhu. she's in form 4 while im in form 5. rapat sikit ngan die pun dlm facebook je. start dr situ, mcm2 kerenah la yg die trpaksa layan abg die sorg ni. haha. :') especially kt skola. aku ni kan jenis nakal sikit, lagi2 klu girl pemalu mcm dye ni, mmg aku suke gurau2. hehe.. :') pena satu hari tu, tegur dia, ya allah, cakap ngan aku pun mcm malu2 je. haha. :') time tu aku tgh nk makan, dye lak menjalankan tugas dye sbgai sorg pengawas. die tgk je aku and the gang makan. pastu die tegur aku. igtkan nak kate 'abg ni hencem la' (perasan siot). rupa2nye suruh angkat pinggan. =.='' haha. :') tu sume memory kan. lame2, kite org mkin rapat dan tuk pengetahuan adik fath, abg slalu cri adik dulu taw kat kantin, abg suke sgt gurau dan kaco2 adik. tatau napa. myb sbb adik ni pemalu sgt, dan abg tgk mcm muram je, abg nak je happykan adik tu agy2 semasa mnjalankan tugas tuh ean. haha. :') len kali buat kerja ngan senyuman taw. wat dengan ikhlas. tu yg sepatutnye. nnt klu da pindah ke Seri Puteri tu, jgn lupe2 kan abg yg kat sini ye. abg da anggap adik fath mcm adik abg sndiri. :') dekat sini, abg nak cakap, abg nak mnx maaf klu2 abg ade trlepas ckp, trbuat silap dgn adik. abg pohon ampun dan maaf kat adik dr hujung rambut smpai hujung kaki. and thanks for our memory agy2 kat kantin tuh ean. haha. walopon kite baru jee kenal dlm mse yg singkat, tp nta napa abg sygkan adik mcm adik2 abg sndiri. ade mse, jemput2 la dtg uma. anything, adik ade number abg kan? just give me a text or call klu2 adik ade prob, anything. :') thank you, thank you sbb buat ari2 abg kat kantin jdi bestt. lps ni, tade la agy abg nak kaco2 or gurau kat kantin tuh. tade lagi adik pengawas yg malu.. haha. :') THANK YOU, ADIK. IM GONNA MISS YOUUU. DAMMN BAD ! abg tade ape nak bg, just this poem je.. abg pun tade peluang nak jumpa fath buat kali trakhir last sunday. :'( but hope lps ni kite jumpe lagi okay? abg slalu doakan, agar adik brjaya dlm carrier adik, live your life, and enjoy it to the fullest ! at the same time, jgn lupe akhirat skali. dgr kate ibubapa dan guru, insyaAllah berjaya dunia dan akhirat. dpt kan result gempak tuk SPM 2012 okay? abg sygkan adik, just like my own sister.. abg mmg bnci nak ckp goodbye, thats why, make sure kite akan berjuumpe lagi.. until the next meeting, LATER, ADIK FATHNIN. huhu, abg made this poem, just for your entertainment.. :')
I'll always be here through thick and thin
You can come to me, I'll listen
I'm your friend, I won't push you away
When you need a hug, my arms are wide open
When you need to talk, I have an open ear
Your growing up and getting older
Know that I'm always here, I'm not going anywhere
Wherever you are, I'm there with you
You’re in my heart and my prayers
Just know I'm here, because I truly care
You’re my sister, you mean so much
Don't want to see you hurt or cry
I'll wipe the tears, I'll get rid of your fears
Want to see you grow up and achieve
Just believe, have faith
You can do anything
You’re beautiful inside and out
You’re smart and very talented
You’re many things, but most all, you’re my sister
I believe in you and know that I'll never stop loving you
blurr kan adik aku sorg ni? HAHA. :') i will miss you, adik.. |
baru hah dpt tgk dye senyum cmni. kan lawa. :') |
p/s: adik, abg mnx maaf ssgt sbb ta gtaw adik yg abg pinjam gmba adik tuk blog abg ni. sorry ssggt taw. :') abg mmg sje je nk wat surprise.. hehe.. :')