holla everyone. assalamualaikum untuk yang beragama islam. :) hope you guys having a great time during this holiday with your family and friends. :)
okay, apa kena dgn tajuk di atas tu? hah, ni i want to share something with you guys. actually since two days ago i was thinking about this and now i have a final decision. lol. aku dah fikir banyak2, aku nak buat collection barang aku sendiri iaitu footwear, shoes and fitted cap since aku tak pernah buat mcm tu selain gitar aku. :) err, gitar pun baru ada dua je. =.=' and ofcourse this new hobby will cost $ome money. semua tu aku da fkir dah. haha. dengan duit yang ada ni, i will try to collect as many footwear, shoes and fitted cap as i can. :)
brand pilihan aku? untuk footwear or shoes aku prefer supra, radii and nike basketball. dan untuk fitted cap aku suka new era. :) kalau you guys nak tahu ape benda alah tu sume, rajin2 la google. aku cerita sikit2 about this cool and trendy brand. :)
supra, radii footwear and nike basketball shoes merupakan jenama kasut yang paling top kat pasaran skang ni especially for teenager market. ramai remaja meminati kasut jenis mcm ni especially budak hip hop, skater and jenis trendy. new era pula merupakan jenama topi or fitted cap paling laris and trendy. it's usually associated with hip hop. kalau nak tengok lebih lanjut, i will share some photos below and click for larger image. :)
Supra Skytop |
Supra Skytop II |
Supra Vaider |
Radii MoonWalker |
Radii StraightJacket |
Radii Thriller |
Nike Zoom Air |
Nike Zoom Kobe IV |
Music is Our Life |
Los Angeles |